“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens;
 time to be born and a time to die. Ecclesiastes 3:1-2a"
If we knew in advance the time our President Ataa Kakra was going to die we would have begged God for an indefinite postponement.  Alas! We did not know.  Only God and God alone holds the key to that secret.  Therefore even with tears in our eyes we are saying, “it is well with our souls, it is well with our souls”.

During the mid 1980’s one of our devoted members the late Sis. Mary Yamoah who was our Connexional Chaplain at the time used to attend meetings with her twin daughters – Evangeline Ataa Panyin Arhin and Eveline Ataa Kakra Arhin.  The girls were lively and so much fun to be with.  Above all they were well behaved and always wished to be of service especially by helping to serve snacks and food.  They enjoyed coming to these meetings and members also looked forward to meeting them.  Indeed, most of the elderly women among us used to refer to them as “Hien mba" meaning “our children”.

Eveline Arhin

The younger of the girls Eveline Ataa Kakra Arhin is our President whose mortal remains lies before us this morning.

The twin sisters at a stage ceased accompanying their mother to connexional meetings because they were enrolled as adult members in Wesley Cathedral in Sekondi Diocese.   The younger one Ataa Kakra moved faster and within a few years reached the top position of Diocesan President.  Thus she became eligible to stand for a Connexional position.   Sis. Kakra was elected to the position of Connexional Assistant Porter then to  substantive Porter.  Three (3) years later, she was elected as Connexional Treasurer during the presidency of Sis. Grace Hanson in 2009. Sis. Kakra was elected to the position of Connexional Financial Secretary when Sis. Juliana Ben Eghan became President in 2012. 

In a specially organized election at the Methodist Headquarters in December, 2015,  Sis. Ataa Kakra was elected Connexional Vice President.  She proved herself very effective, accompanying the then President  Sis Elizabeth Kyei Kittoe to most council meetings, seminars and Diocesan functions to which the President had been invited.  During SUWMA Conference in July, 2018,  Sis. Ataa Kakra was elected unopposed to the position of President.

President Eveline Ataa Kakra Arhin was soft spoken and a woman of few words.  She chaired her meetings with such rare calmness that never caused boredom but rather sustained interest in what she had to say.  Her strategies included respect for all, a good working relationship with her Executive and learning from the experience of past Connexional Presidents.  These seem to be working well until the unfortunate happened after being in the Chair for only 1 ½ years instead of the full three (3) year term.

President Kakra, we thank you for the services you have rendered to SUWMA since the days of your youth.   Thank you for demonstrating that humility and determination to work yield good results.

Thank you for your Love and friendship.

Your sudden departure has thrown us into deep sadness but as Christians we will not grieve like people without hope “….for we know that in all things God works together for the good of those who love him…..” Romans 8:28 a.

President Eveline Arhin – Fare thee well
President Ataa Kakra – Da yie
President Ataa Kakra – Yaawo odzogban


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Our condolence to the family of our late sister.
